
Hello hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well. This week has been good, but we had to take it easy because Sister Peterson's still suffering through her shin splints. We've both been experiencing some physical and emotional problems and were encouraged by our STL to ask the elders in Derry for a priesthood blessing. We did, and Elder Dunn gave us one yesterday. It brought so much comfort. I've had two blessings on my mission thus far, and though results may not be immediate at times, I have such a testimony of the reality of their power. How grateful I am to have access to it. 

On Monday, after emailing, we went on the radio. That was one of the scariest things I've ever done in my life. Mike told us that since it was a local station, there'd probably be around ten people listening. YEAH RIGHT! Afterwards, we heard that 12,023 people were tuning in during our little segment. I still feel a bit nauseous. I was so nervous and anxious, and was a bit overwhelmed by how rushed it all was. My mind drew blanks when he asked us questions, and I stammered so much! Ugh. It was just a five minute thing though so I didn't have to suffer too long. I was just glad to have it done with, but Bishop Giddey was so pleased with it, he wants us to do it again sometime... Kill me. Just kidding, don't.

Monday night, we met up with our RC, Anthony. He bought us pizza and we answered some of his questions. He's a pretty intellectual and factual guy, and knows so many random things. He brought up Aphantasia, and everything makes so much sense now! A puzzle piece has finally popped into place! Albeit kind of a depressing one. Apparently, Aphantasia is a condition where a person is unable to visualise images in their minds eye. When they try to picture something, it just stays black. Most people can visualise things! Who knew!? I didn't! I've been living my WHOLE life thinking that the phrase "count sheep" was merely figurative, and that people couldn't really picture a beach when those meditation recordings tell them to. I'm disabled! No wonder I have no imagination or creativity. I hope it gets fixed in the Resurrection, and I hope now that you all learned something new. *mic drop

On Tuesday, we visited Wilma, an older lady in our ward. She broke her arm eight weeks ago and keeps on being silly and telling us she's not well enough to come back to church yet. She's so funny. I hoovered her floors and Sister Peterson CLIPPED HER TOENAILS! I felt a bit nauseous just looking at her do it. Haha. I'm just grateful I didn't have to do it.

We also met with Patrick later that day and talked about prayer. He's been meeting with the missionaries for a few months and has been coming to church on a weekly basis, and still doesn't have a solid belief in God! I was a bit dumbfounded. He was telling us that he felt really awkward when he tried praying, and that his mind would just go completely blank and he couldn't do it. I asked him what he knew about God/a higher power, and he told me that he just knew something was up there, but doesn't know what. We then talked about the nature of God, and committed him to pray and ask Him if He's there. It was a good lesson, just a bit surprising. I have high hopes for him. He's such an awesome guy!

Throughout the rest of the week we visited a few more members, which was a huge blessing since I still don't know many. I'm feeling a bit bereft of the member love I was so used to in Montrose. The members here are lovely though! It'll just take a bit of time. I already have some really nice relationships :) and they're all taking really good care of us. One member that I want to briefly mention is Lavinia. She's this older lady that can't get around that well. Before we chapped on her door, Sister Peterson told me that she has the most beautiful smile. Lavinia answered, and she smiled a ginormous smile at us, and Sis Pete was so completely right. She has practically no teeth, but that smile was the purest smile I've ever seen in my life. My heart melted a bit every time she did it. She's so sweet (not in a condescending way ;) ), and I fell in love with her right then and there. 

This weekend we had Stake conference! Sis Pete and I were able to see the broadcast at the Church in Derry. President and Sister Macdonald were there and they spoke, as well as Elder Massimo de Feo! Oh my heavens it was so good. They all talked about the importance of ministering to the one, and how if all we do is help one person it's enough. Christ saw the importance of ministering personally and intimately one by one, and did it perfectly. I need to do better.

Sunday Morning we traveled all the way to Belfast. I met some of Sister Wu's and Sister McNamara's friends there, and it was so awesome! One is this guy named Connor, who Sister Wu GQed a while back. He was baptised a couple of months ago, and I still remember the day Sister Wu found out. She was so happy and was on a high the whole day. He's awesome, and stood in and gave a little sweet opening prayer when Elder Dunn blessed me and Sister Peterson. 

To open the session, they had the primary kids sing a few songs. One of them was The Miracle ("Jesus is a God of Miracles") and my mind was straightway brought to the memory of Liam always singing that song. It made me miss my sweet nephews and niece so much. I may have been crying a little bit. 

Anyway, the Stake Presidency, Elder de Feo, and a few others spoke this time on faith. Elder de Feo's message hit me pretty hard. He talked about how we typically tend to focus on the things we don't have. Instead, we should focus on those things that we DO have, give it to the Lord, and He will take it and make it greater than it had ever been before. He'll make it more than we need. He shared scriptural examples to go along with it, like when Christ fed the 5,000 with the five loaves of bread and two fishes, and with the story in 2 Kings 4, when Elisha multiples the widow's oil. They could be spiritual or temporal things. (He gave a few examples: faith, some other Christlike attribute, love for someone, money). It touched me so personally, and it was exactly what I needed. I've been focusing so much on the things I don't have, and I've been miserable because of it. Thinking in this different way will take some time and effort, but I've been trying. I hope you all do too. :)

I love you all, SO much. I hope you were able to light the world in some way this last week. :) Now, time to light your communities!! Our ward will be going around to some care homes this week to carol, and we'll be joining them. It'll be so much fun! Have a fantabulous week!!

Sister Syphus xxx

 Radio pic! The middle guy is Keith (aka Irish Cowboy), our family history guy who we're pretty good friends with. He and Mike take us out to lunch every week. He's so funny.
 Us and Mike! He just walked in so I snatched a pic. :) 
(He's 78 and still coaches fencing. He's pretty renowned around the UK)

Getting ice cream during our comp study. I won't show you the other one of me. 
I look like a cow.


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