PSYCH! Here's some Pics
Hello everybody! I have about five minutes so this'll be quick! I hope everybody is doing well! This week has been so great! We had a lesson with our young mother friend Alison, who is SO open and AWESOME. We talked about the Holy Ghost (called the Holy Ghost Principle in the mission. We begin every first lesson with it) and she LOVED IT. Then I started talking about how God is our loving Heavenly Father, and she began to cry before I even did! The whole lesson was incredible, and she really wanted to come to church! But her husband isn't religious and didn't want their two young kids to go (he would be at work), so she texted and said that she'll come this next week when he has work off and could watch them at home. We're also meeting her this morning for a tiny bit before we head to Dundee for another beach fun day with our zone!
Last p day Sis Mac and I went to Dunnatar Castle! It was so so cool and we took lots of pictures!
We have a Nigerian Family who we go over to study the Bible. The mother, Kumbi has really enjoyed our last one on faith and hope, because her mother was dying from cancer in Zimbabwe and she hadn't seen her in 17 years and was hoping to say goodbye before she passed. A couple of days later, we felt like we needed to visit, and found out that she had died the day previously. Kumbi was sobbing and we tried our best to comfort her and her husband. (I was sobbing too). We showed her the Because He Lives video, and I hope it helped. Afterward we were going to catch a bus to Montrose, and they passed in their car and offered us a ride! So so sweet. They then told us how grateful they were for us. Keep them in your prayers! They're special!
Sarah's been in Ireland for the past week and gets back on Tuesday, so we haven't heard much from her. Keep her and Alison in your prayers too! They need all they can get!
So I went to a Doctor and he tried figuring out what was wrong with me. He prescribed me some anti-inflammatory pills and if I was still having problems to call back and he'll book me with a physical therapist. He also said to get rid of some backpack weight, so I haven't been carrying around my Quad, and for the most part I've been fine. Hopefully everything goes well!
Oh! we had dinner at the Bishop's home, and his fammiily is just so INCREDIBLE! His wife actually started crying when we gave her a hug goodbye because she "loves us so much"
Love you! Bye!
Dunnatar Castle

Last p day Sis Mac and I went to Dunnatar Castle! It was so so cool and we took lots of pictures!
We have a Nigerian Family who we go over to study the Bible. The mother, Kumbi has really enjoyed our last one on faith and hope, because her mother was dying from cancer in Zimbabwe and she hadn't seen her in 17 years and was hoping to say goodbye before she passed. A couple of days later, we felt like we needed to visit, and found out that she had died the day previously. Kumbi was sobbing and we tried our best to comfort her and her husband. (I was sobbing too). We showed her the Because He Lives video, and I hope it helped. Afterward we were going to catch a bus to Montrose, and they passed in their car and offered us a ride! So so sweet. They then told us how grateful they were for us. Keep them in your prayers! They're special!
Sarah's been in Ireland for the past week and gets back on Tuesday, so we haven't heard much from her. Keep her and Alison in your prayers too! They need all they can get!
So I went to a Doctor and he tried figuring out what was wrong with me. He prescribed me some anti-inflammatory pills and if I was still having problems to call back and he'll book me with a physical therapist. He also said to get rid of some backpack weight, so I haven't been carrying around my Quad, and for the most part I've been fine. Hopefully everything goes well!
Oh! we had dinner at the Bishop's home, and his fammiily is just so INCREDIBLE! His wife actually started crying when we gave her a hug goodbye because she "loves us so much"
Love you! Bye!
Dunnatar Castle
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